Attending Healthcare Professionals
St. Philip Pharmacy has a skilled and compassionate group of professionals who are dedicated to their patients, providing you with the highest level of care. Our team of healthcare professionals work with families and people of all ages and from all walks of life, to help you take control of your ongoing healthcare needs and concerns.
We offer a daily walk-in general practitioner service. For specialist consultation services, kindly contact us on +356 21808723 or +356 99310884. Below is a list of our family doctors and specialists.
Family Doctors
Dr. Karl Cutajar (mobile: 7925 7173) - Ultrasound specialist and Trainee Gynaecolgy Specialist
on Saturday by appointment
Dr. Silvio Grixti (mobile: 7972 1585)
on Tuesday at 8.00p.m. & Friday at 4.00p.m. by appointment
Dr. Carmen Sammut (mobile: 7946 4532)- specialist in women’s health
on Tuesday p.m. by appointment
Dr. Anthony Xuereb (mobile: 9947 0533)
daily at 9.30a.m. & 5.30p.m.
Dr. Christine Bajada – Endocrinologist |
Ms. Lara Sammut – Radiographer |
Dr. Nicholas Briffa – Psychologist (Speċjalista tal-psikoloġija) |
Mr. Patrick Sammut – Paediatrician (Speċjalista tat-tfal) |
Dr. Jean Calleja Agius – Gynaecologist (Speċjalista fis-saħħa tan-nisa) |
Dr. Eileen Clark – Dermatologist (Speċjalista tal-ġilda) |
Dr. Warren Scicluna – Radiologist (Speċjalista tal-ultrasawnd) |
Dr. Pierre Ellul – Gastroenterologist (Speċjalista tal-istonku u l-imsaren) |
Ms. Angela Sultana – General Surgeon (Kirurga ġenerali) |
Dr. Pierre Farrugia – Opthalmologist (Speċjalista tal-għajnejn) |
Ms. Mary Rose Vella – Radiographer (Speċjalista tal-ultrasawnd) |
Mr. Rosario Mizzi – Speech Therapist (Terapista tad-diskors) |
Dr. Joseph Vella Baldacchino – Psychiatrist (Psikjatra) |
Dr. Carlo Refalo – Med-Aesthetic Physician (Speċjalista fil-qasam tal-Estetika) |
Dr. Patrick Zammit – Urologist |
Mr. Christopher Sammut – Physiotherapist (Fiżjoterapista) |